Supporting implementers
with well-connected expert advice.


Germany is well known as one of the hot spots for IP disputes in the field of mobile telecommunications. Almost all major disputes in this field have at least one point of reference to Germany because the German judiciary is known to be very effective and expert in this kind of litigation.

rospatt is active in patent infringement and nullity proceedings, as well as in out-of-court counseling, including negotiating worldwide SEP license agreements. In general terms, we focus on representing implementers rather than NPEs.

Related Cases

  • CIFArcor (ADSL)
  • FIPA (IPCom) v Samsung Electronics (HSUPA)
  • Samsung Electronics v Apple (telecommunications / FRAND licensing)
  • Samsung Electronics v Datang (telecommunications / FRAND licensing)
  • Samsung Electronics v Ericsson (telecommunications / FRAND licensing)
  • Samsung Electronics v Sharp (telecommunications / FRAND licensing)
  • Samsung Electronics v misc. SEP owners (telecommunications / FRAND licensing)
  • Unwired Planet v LG Electronics (smartphones)