Evgenia Rubenchik Paralegal


Evgenia successfully completed her vocational training as a paralegal in summer 2018 and has been part of the rospatt team since then.

She manages the national/international trademark and design portfolios of our clients, corresponds with the trademark offices, and coordinates cooperation with foreign colleagues who manage the local property rights. She also has particular expertise in the monitoring of online trading platforms, thereby protecting our clients against counterfeiting. She is also responsible for all other tasks of a paralegal, such as the cost assessment procedures, the enforcement of court decisions, deadline monitoring and mail processing. On top of this, she is a member of the accounting and social media team.

The Rospatt Team

Our reputation and success have been built on a team of lawyers committed to excellence and perfection in their work. All of us specialized in IP law from the beginning of our careers. For this reason, every year of our combined IP law experience is directly relevant to your needs.