Specialist advice
in a complex and fast-moving sector.


Connected cars and smart appliances in vehicles have become an important factor in the automotive industry. While this industry has always been in the focus of patent litigation with regard to mechanical engineering, it has now also been drawn into disputes concerning mobile telecommunication standards and battery design and management.

rospatt has deep experience in litigation covering all relevant technical fields, meaning that we can provide you with a comprehensive package of expert advice and representation.

Related Cases

  • ArcelorMittal v Tata Steel (sheet metal)
  • BorgWarner v Pierburg (regeneration pumps)
  • Ford v Opel (direct injection)
  • Ferrari v misc. (trademarks, designs, unfair competition)
  • JTEKTTRW (power steering pump)
  • KL Kaschir- und Laminier COATEX (airbags)
  • Lucas Industries v Magna (adaptive cruise control, lane detection)
  • MagnaSHW (vane pump)
  • Mali v Delphi (common rail valve)
  • Mekra v Stoneridge (CMS camera monitor systems / mirror replacement systems)
  • Porsche v Karman (convertible soft top)
  • Victocor v Benteler (coating of high-strength press-hardened steel parts)

Related Landmark Decisions

Kfz-Stahlbauteil (vehicle steel component)– BGH 2016 GRUR 265
The Federal Supreme Court renders more precise case law on entitlement. In a first step, the patent claim needs to be construed, and then it must be compared with the constructive contribution demanded by the entitlement claimant. In doing so, it has to be examined in how far the teaching of the patent claim corresponds to the teaching that unrightfully had been usurped. The constructive facilitation need not have to be implemented in the patent claim. It can be sufficient if it contributed on the way to the final shape of the invention.